FY23 CRISI Congressionally Directed - Atlanta to Savannah Passenger Rail Corridor

DOT - Federal Railroad Administration

29 September 2023
Public sector
Research, Development and Innovation Natural Sciences
Transport, Infrastructure and ICT

This grant will fund the preparation of an SDP and EIS for the ATL-SAV Corridor in partnership with FRA. The main objectives of an SDP are to identify the draft purpose and need for intercity passenger rail development; incorporate an analysis of alternatives supported by technical transportation planning and conceptual engineering; incorporate a high-level analysis and consideration of environmental factors associated with the alternatives; include input provided through public involvement and relevant public agencies; and identify the governance structure for the implementation and operation of the ATL-SAV Corridor. The SDP results in the identification of a corridor project inventory necessary to achieve the proposed service and serve as the foundation for initiating and preparing the EIS for the ATL-SAV Corridor. The primary purpose of the EIS, prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), is to ensure agencies consider the environmental impacts of their actions in decision making.


Only the Georgia Department of Transportation is permitted to apply for this announcement.

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
14 September 2023