FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law FAA Contract Tower (FCT) Competitive Grant Program
DOT Federal Aviation Administration
The Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), announces the opportunity to apply for $20 million in FY 2023 Airport Infrastructure Grant funds for the FAA Contract Tower (FCT) Competitive Grant Program, made available under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA), Pub. L. 117-58, herein referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The purpose of the FCT Competitive Grant Program is to make annual grants available to eligible airports for airport-owned airport traffic control tower (ATCT) projects that address the aging infrastructure of the nation's airports. The FAA will consider ATCT projects that sustain, construct, repair, improve, rehabilitate, modernize, replace, or relocate nonapproach control towers; acquire and install air traffic control, communications, and related equipment to be used in those towers; or construct a remote tower certified by the FAA including acquisition and installation of air traffic control, communications, or related equipment.
In addition, FCT Competitive Grant Program grants will align with DOT's Strategic Framework FY2022-2026 at www.transportation.gov/administrations/office-policy/fy2022-2026-strategic-framework. The FY 2023 FCT Competitive Grant Program will be implemented consistent with law and in alignment with the priorities in Executive Order 14052, Implementation of the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (86 FR 64355), which are to invest efficiently and equitably, promote the competitiveness of the U.S. economy, improve job opportunities by focusing on high labor standards, strengthen infrastructure resilience to all hazards, including climate change, and to effectively coordinate with State, local, Tribal, and territorial government partners. See NOFO for further details.
See the link to the FY 2023 NOFO for eligibility information. For Airport Improvement Program purposes, which applies to the FCT grants, sponsors are broken down into the specific types shown in Table 2-1 of the AIP Handbook FAA Order 5100-38D, Change 1. Eligible applicant categories include: a public agency owning (or leasing from another government entity) a public-use airport, a private entity owning a public use airport, and an Indian tribe or pueblo owning or leasing a public-use airport. This is not an all-inclusive list. For additional eligibility categories and further details on each eligible applicant category, see AIP Handbook Table 2-1 in the following weblink: https://www.faa.gov/airports/aip/aip_handbook/media/AIP-Handbook-Order-5100-38D-Chg1.pdf. Per 49 USC § 47105(b)(2), a sponsor must be proposing a project for a public-use airport included in the current National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Further information on the NPIAS is available at https://www.faa.gov/airports/planning_capacity/npias/