Basic Education Recovery Activity
Dominican Republic USAID-Santo Domingo
The five-year Basic Education Recovery Activity will be a cooperative agreement with a funding availability of $24,000,000. This new Activity will help MINERD achieve the goals outlined in the ISP to improve the quality of education in the early grades of primary school, with special attention given to diminishing the long-standing gaps in students’ learning outcomes that were further exacerbated by COVID-19 school closures. The Basic Education Recovery Activity will coordinate with MINERD to achieve four key objectives: 1) Improve literacy instruction in pre-first and the early primary grades; 2) Provide remedial reading interventions for students in first through third grade who are most at risk for academic failure; 3) Implement social and emotional learning (SEL) interventions for all students in grades pre-first through third grade; and 4) strengthen system-level inputs/processes to ensure improved reading and SEL outcomes for all children.