DoD Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health, Clinical Trial Award

Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

08 December 2022
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation Natural Sciences

The intent of the FY22 TBIPHRP CTA is to support the rapid implementation of clinical trials with

the potential to have a significant impact on psychological health conditions and/or TBI through

clinical applications, including healthcare products, technologies, and/or practice guidelines.

Proposed research can be aligned with TBI, psychological health, or both.

Clinical trials may be designed to evaluate promising new products, pharmacologic agents (drugs or

biologics), devices, therapies, clinical guidance, behavioral interventions, emerging approaches

and technologies, and/or new indications for products currently FDA-approved or - cleared.

Proposed projects may range from small proof-of-concept trials (e.g., pilot, first-in-human, phase

  1. to demonstrate feasibility or inform the design of more advanced trials through large- scale

trials to determine efficacy in relevant patient populations. Proposals/applications proposing

comparative effectiveness, implementation science, healthcare services research as the primary

research objective should consider the FY22 TBIPHRP Patient-Centered

Research Award (Funding Opportunity Number: W81XWH-22-TBIPHRP-PCRA).

A clinical trial is defined as a research study in which one or more human subjects are

prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include a placebo or another

control) to evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or behavioral health-related

outcomes. Funded trials are required to post a copy of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)-

approved informed consent form used to enroll subjects on a publicly available federal website in

accordance with federal requirements described in Code of Federal Regulations, Title 32,

Part 219 (32 CFR 219). For more information, see the Human Subject Resource Document.

Clinical research is defined as: (1) Patient-oriented research. Research conducted with human

subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens and cognitive phenomena) for

which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects. Excluded from this

definition are in vitro studies that utilize human tissues that cannot be linked to a living

individual. Patient-oriented research includes: (a) mechanisms of human disease, (b) therapeutic

interventions, (c) clinical trials, and (d) development of new technologies; (2) epidemiologic and

behavioral studies; and (3) outcomes research and health services research. Note: Studies that

meet the requirements for IRB review Exemption 4 are not considered CDMRP-defined clinical

research. IRB Exemption 4 refers to research involving the collection or study of existing de-

identified specimens or data, if these sources are publicly available. Studies seeking to conduct

clinical research only but not a clinical trial do not meet the intent of the award mechanism and

will not be funded.

This BAA may not be used to support studies requiring an exception from informed consent (EFIC).

Funding from this award mechanism must support a clinical trial and cannot be used for animal

studies. Principal Investigators (PIs) seeking funding for a preclinical research project or a

clinical research project that does not involve a clinical trial should consider one of applicable

FY22 TBIPHRP program announcements or the other BAA being offered.

If the proposed clinical trial involves the use of a drug that has not been approved by the FDA

for the proposed investigational use, then an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the FDA

that meets all requirements under 21 CFR 312 may be required. It is the responsibility of the

applicant to provide evidence from the IRB of record or the FDA if an IND application is not

required. If an IND application is required, evidence that an IND application has been submitted

or IND authorization without clinical hold status has been secured must be included in the FY22

TBIPHRP CTA proposal/application. The IND application should be specific for the product (i.e.,

the product should not represent a derivative or alternate version of the investigational agent

described in the IND application) and indication to be tested in the proposed clinical trial. For

more information on IND applications, the FDA has provided guidance at



If the investigational product is a device, then an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)

application to the FDA that meets all requirements under 21 CFR 812 may be required. It is the

responsibility of the applicant to provide evidence if an IDE application is not required or the

device qualifies for an abbreviated IDE application. If an IDE application is required, evidence

that an IDE application submission or IDE authorization without clinical hold status has been

secured must be included in the FY22 TBIPHRP CTA proposal/application. The IDE application should

be specific for the device (i.e., should not represent a derivative or modified version of the

device described in the IDE application) and indication to be tested in the proposed clinical


If the proposed clinical trial of an investigational product will be conducted at international

sites, evidence that an application to the relevant national regulatory agency of the host

country(ies) has been submitted or approved must be included in the FY22 TBIPHRP CTA


The following are important aspects of the FY22 TBIPHRP CTA:

• The proposal/application must include Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR)

approaches in the development and execution of the clinical trial. CBPR approaches should be

documented in Attachments 12 and 13.

• The proposed clinical trial is expected to begin no later than 6 months after the award date.

• The proposed intervention(s) to be tested should offer significant potential impact for

individuals affected by psychological health conditions and/or TBI.

• Inclusion of preliminary data relevant to the proposed clinical trial is required.

• The proposed clinical trial must be based on sound scientific rationale that is established

through logical reasoning and critical review and analysis of the relevant literature.

• The proposal/application should describe the planned indication for the product label, if

appropriate, and include an outline of the product development plan required to support that


• The proposal/application should demonstrate the availability of and access to a suitable

patient population that will support a meaningful outcome for the study. The proposal/application

should include a discussion of how accrual goals will be achieved and how standards of care may

impact the study population.

• The proposal/application should demonstrate documented availability of and access to the

drug/compound, device, and/or other materials needed, as appropriate, for the proposed duration of

the study. The quality and stability of the product should be documented and commensurate with

current FDA manufacturing standards applicable to the type and phase of product being developed

(i.e., Quality System Regulation, Good Manufacturing Practice [GMP] guidelines).

• The proposal/application should reflect the study team’s experience interacting with the FDA,

including previous FDA submissions, if applicable.

• The proposed clinical trial design should include clearly defined objectives and appropriate

endpoints/outcome measures, and comply with current Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines.

• The proposal/application should include a clearly articulated statistical analysis plan,

appropriate statistical expertise on the research team, and a power analysis reflecting sample size

projections that will answer the objectives of the study.

• The proposal/application should include a clearly articulated data management plan and use of

an appropriate database to safeguard and maintain the integrity of the data. If FDA- regulated,

the trial must use a 21 CFR 11-compliant database and appropriate data standards.

• The proposal/application should include a clearly articulated safety management plan

outlining how safety pharmacovigilance will be conducted, as applicable.

• The proposal/application should include a clearly articulated clinical monitoring plan

outlining how the study will be monitored for GCP compliance.

• The proposal/application should include a study coordinator(s) who will guide the clinical

protocol through the local IRB of record and other federal agency regulatory approval processes,

coordinate activities from all sites participating in the trial, and coordinate participant


• The proposal/application should include a Transition Plan (including potential funding and

resources) as Attachment 10 showing how the product will progress to the next clinical trial phase

and/or delivery to the market after the successful completion of the FY22 TBIPHRP CTA.

• The proposal/application should clearly demonstrate strong institutional support and, if

applicable, a commitment to serve as the FDA regulatory sponsor, ensuring all sponsor

responsibilities described in 21 CFR 312, Subpart D, are fulfilled.

• Funded trials are required to post a copy of the informed consent form used to enroll

subjects on a publicly available federal website in accordance with federal requirements described

in 32 CFR 219.

Research Scope: The following are general descriptions, although not all-inclusive, of the scope

of research projects that would be appropriate to propose under the current BAA. Selection of the

appropriate FY22 TBIPHRP CTA Research Level is the responsibility of the applicant:

• Research Level 1: Research Level 1 is intended to support proof-of-principle pilot studies,

phase 0/small phase 1 trials, correlative studies related to an intervention, and other innovative,

exploratory clinical trials. The period of performance of Research Level 1 awards will be 3 years. The anticipated direct cost

budgeted for an FY22 TBIPHRP CTA Research Level 1 award will not exceed $500,000.

○ Early-Career Investigator Partnering Option: The FY22 TBIPHRP encourages

proposals/applications that include meaningful and productive collaborations between investigators.

The FY22 TBIPHRP CTA (Research Level 1 only) includes an Early- Career Investigator Partnering

Option that is structured to accommodate two PIs, one of whom is an Early-Career Investigator. The

combined Initiating and Partnering organizations’ budgeted direct costs approved by the government

will not exceed

$500,000. The PIs may have experience in similar or disparate scientific disciplines, but each PI

is expected to bring distinct contributions to the proposal/application. One PI will be identified

as the Initiating PI and will be responsible for the majority of the administrative tasks

associated with proposal/application submission. The other investigator will be the Partnering PI.

One of the named PIs on an application submitted under the Early-Career Investigator Partner

Option must be an Early- Career Investigator who may be either the Initiating or Partnering PI.

Both PIs should contribute significantly to the development of the proposed research project,

including the Project Narrative, Statement of Work (SOW), and other required components. The

proposal/application is expected to describe how the PIs’ unique experience/expertise combined as a

partnership will better address the research question, how the unique experience/expertise that

each individual brings to the proposal/application is critical for the research strategy and

completion of the SOW, and why the work should be done together rather than through separate

efforts. If recommended for funding, each PI will be named to an individual award within the

recipient organization. For individual DOD FY22 TBIPHRP submission requirements for the Initiating

and Partnering PI, refer to Section II.D.2, Content and Form of the Proposal/Application


• Research Level 2: Research Level 2 is intended to support phase 1 and more advanced clinical

trials for promising interventions. The period of performance of Research Level 2 awards will be 4

years. The anticipated direct costs budgeted for an FY22 TBIPHRP CTA Research Level 2 award will

not exceed $2M.

• Research Level 3: Research Level 3 is intended to support larger-scale clinical trials that

demonstrate efficacy in relevant patient populations. The period of performance of Research Level

3 awards will be 4 years. The anticipated direct costs budgeted for an FY22 TBIPHRP CTA Research

Level 3 award will not exceed $4M.

Funded studies are required to register the study in the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

clinical trials registry, www.clinicaltrials.gov, prior to initiation of the study. Refer to the

General Submission Instructions, Appendix 1, Section D, for further details.

Refer to Section II.D.6, Funding Restrictions, for detailed funding information.

Awards will be made no later than September 30, 2023. For additional information refer to

.F.1, Federal Award Notices.

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023