DoD Reconstructive Transplant, Concept Award
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
The intent of the FY22 RTRP Concept Award is to support the exploration of a highly innovative new concept or untested theory that addresses an important problem relevant to reconstructive transplantation and the FY22 RTRP Concept Award Focus Areas. The Concept Award is not intended to support a logical progression of an already established research project, but instead supports high-risk studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new avenues for investigation.
Though the RTRP Concept Award mechanism supports groundbreaking research, all projects must demonstrate solid scientific rationale with military-relevant utility.
Important aspects of this award mechanism include:
Innovation: Innovative research may introduce a new paradigm, challenge existing paradigms, examine existing problems from new perspectives, or exhibit other highly creative qualities. Research that is an incremental advance upon published data is not considered innovative and is not consistent with the intent of this award mechanism.
Relevance: Projects should address at least one of the FY22 RTRP Concept Award Focus Areas. All projects must be responsive to the healthcare needs of military Service Members and/or Veterans recovering from traumatic injury, and/or their family members, caregivers or clinicians, as well as the general public.
Presentation of preliminary data is not allowed; however, applications should demonstrate the ability to achieve interpretable results. A rationale for the proposed work must be provided.
Reviewers at both tiers of review will be blinded to the identity of the Principal Investigator (PI), collaborators, and their organizations. Applications that identify the PI, collaborators, or their organizations in certain components of the application (i.e., Project Narrative; References; List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols, and Statement of Work; see Section II.D, Application and Submission Information, for details) will be rejected for noncompliance. A document describing common blinding mistakes to avoid can be found on the electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) “Funding Opportunities & Forms” web page (
Young/early-career investigators are encouraged to apply. Investigators at or above the level of postdoctoral fellow are eligible to apply.