DoD Neurofibromatosis Early Investigator Research Award
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
The Early Investigator Research Award supports NF-focused research opportunities for individuals in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of a Designated Mentor. This opportunity allows for early-stage investigators to develop a research project, investigate a problem or question in NF research, and further their intellectual development as an NF researcher of the future. The postdoctoral investigator is considered the Principal Investigator (PI) of the application and must exhibit strong potential for, and commitment to, pursuing a career as an investigator at the forefront of NF research; however, the PI is not required to have previous NF research experience. Applications must include at least one mentor, appropriate to the proposed research project, who has experience in NF research and mentoring as demonstrated by a record of active funding, recent publications, and successful mentorship. The Designated Mentor can be a junior faculty member, in which case the PI is encouraged to include a co-mentor with a more robust track record in NF research and mentorship. The selected mentor(s) should also demonstrate a clear commitment to the development of the PI toward independence as an NF researcher.
Participants will share data following the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Data Principles for reproducible science found in “The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship” ( Refer to the Data and Research Resources Sharing Plan document in Attachment 9.
The PI must outline an individualized, NF-focused Researcher Development Plan (Attachment 7). The Researcher Development Plan should include a clearly articulated strategy for acquiring the necessary skills, competence, and expertise that will enable the PI to successfully complete the proposed research project and foster the PI’s development as an independent NF researcher. An environment appropriate to the proposed mentoring and research project must be clearly described, although any deficiencies of resources and/or mentorship at the PI’s institution can be mitigated through collaboration(s) with other institutions. If the PI will be utilizing resources at another institution to successfully complete the proposed project, then the PI is strongly encouraged to designate a co-mentor at the collaborating institution.
All application components for the Early Investigator Research Award are expected to be written by the PI, with appropriate direction from the mentor(s). The NFRP seeks applications that address the critical needs of the NF community as outlined in the FY23 NFRP Areas of Emphasis above. If the project does not address an Area of Emphasis, provide justification that the proposed research project addresses an important problem in NF research and/or patient care. Describe the anticipated outcomes (short-term gains) from the proposed research and how they will be used as a foundation for future research projects. Explain the anticipated long-term gains from the proposed research project, including how the new understanding may ultimately contribute to the goal of advancing NF research and/or patient care.
This mechanism may be used to support studies using pre-existing specimens and/or data acquired from well-characterized, adequately controlled, and sufficiently powered patient cohorts.