DoD Multiple Sclerosis, Exploration - Hypothesis Development Award
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
The EHDA supports the initial exploration of innovative, high-risk, high-gain, and potentially groundbreaking concepts in the MS research field. The studies supported by this award mechanism are expected to lay the groundwork for future avenues of scientific investigation. The proposed research project should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale and study design. The presentation of preliminary and/or published data is not required.
The proposed research project must be innovative. Innovative research may examine a novel paradigm, challenge current paradigms, look at existing problems from novel perspectives, or exhibit other highly creative qualities. Research that is an incremental advance beyond ongoing research and published data is not considered innovative and is not consistent with the intent of this award mechanism. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) to clearly and explicitly articulate how the proposed research project is innovative in the field of MS research.
For the “Correlates of Disease Activity and Progression in MS” Focus Area, applications must demonstrate access to the relevant specimens and/or data of the proposed cohort. Refer to Attachment 8: Letter(s) Confirming Access to Specimens and/or Data for more details.
Note for projects involving animal models of MS: Applicants should be prudent in the choice of animal model(s) for their proposed research project. Applicants must justify the relevance of their proposed animal model(s) to the specific aspect of human MS to be studied.
New Investigator option: The FY23 MSRP EHDA mechanism encourages applications from investigators in the early stages of their MS research career. The New Investigator option is designed to support the continued development of promising independent investigators that are early in their faculty appointments. Applications from Established Investigators and New Investigators will be peer- and programmatically reviewed in separate groups. PIs applying under the New Investigator option are encouraged to strengthen their applications through collaboration with investigators experienced in MS research and/or possessing other relevant expertise as demonstrated by a record of funding and publications.