DoD Melanoma Research Team Science Award

Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

22 September 2023
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
Research, Development and Innovation

The FY23 MRP TSA supports hypothesis-driven, multidisciplinary studies that are responsive to at least one of the FY23 MRP Focus Areas in Section II.A.1. The TSA is intended to bring together investigators from divergent disciplines to achieve innovations and advancements in melanoma research and/or patient care that could not be achieved by any one investigator working independently. Team science is a synergistic effort that harnesses techniques, approaches, and perspectives from multiple disciplines and/or therapeutic areas to address complex, multi-dimensional problems that will impact patient outcomes. While basic research is allowed, all applicants are expected to articulate the short- and long-term impacts of the research for the benefit of the melanoma patient community.

The TSA requires that at least two and up to three investigators partner to jointly design a single research project; multi-institutional partnerships are encouraged. One Principal Investigator (PI) will be identified as the Initiating PI and will be responsible for the majority of the administrative tasks associated with application submission. The other PI(s) will be identified as the Partnering PI(s). If recommended for funding, each PI will be named to an individual award within the recipient organization. It is anticipated that each PI will contribute equally to reporting, regulatory, and other administrative requirements for the duration of the award. For individual submission requirements for the Initiating and Partnering PI(s), refer to Section II.D.2, Content and Form of the Application Submission.

At least one member of the partnership must have experience in either melanoma research or patient care. Inclusion of investigators from outside the melanoma field is encouraged. Each PI is expected to contribute both intellectual investment and research effort to the development and execution of the proposed research project. A proposed project in which a Partnering PI merely supplies reagents, tissue samples, or access to patients will not meet the intent of this award mechanism.

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
19 May 2023