DoD Bone Marrow Failure Idea Development Award
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
The BMFRP IDA is intended to support innovative ideas and high-impact approaches based on scientifically sound evidence to move toward the BMFRP’s vision of understanding and curing BMF diseases. This award mechanism is designed to support new ideas. Proposed research studies should have a high probability of revealing new avenues of investigation. The research project should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale and a well-developed and articulated research approach. Personnel on the proposed team should have a strong background in BMF disease research.
This funding opportunity is open to Established Investigators (EIs) and Early-Career Investigators (ECIs). ECIs will be assessed using different criteria for personnel during the review process (refer to Section II.E.1.a, Peer Review).