Housing-Related Hazards & Lead-based Paint Capital Fund Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development
The purpose of the Housing-related Hazards Capital Fund (HRHCF) & Lead-based Paint Capital Fund Program (LBPCF) Notice of Funds Opportunity (NOFO) is to evaluate and reduce residential health hazards in public housing, including lead-based paint, carbon monoxide, mold, radon, fire safety, and asbestos. In accordance with Section 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437g) (1937 Act), and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, $65 million shall be made available for competitive grants to public housing agencies to evaluate and reduce housing-related hazards including lead-based paint in public housing, whereas no less than $25 million of the $65 million of the available funds shall be awarded for evaluating and reducing lead-based paint hazards specifically by carrying out the activities of lead-based risk assessments, inspections, abatement, interim controls, and clearance examinations. These amounts shall be combined with an additional $35 million made available under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 for housing-related hazards and approximately $7.4 million in recaptured and/or carryover funding from the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 for housing-related hazards or lead-based paint, as applicable. Previous versions of this announcement include FR-6400-N-68, Housing-related Hazards Capital Fund Program and FR-6400-N-42, Lead-based Paint Capital Fund Program, which are now combined into one funding opportunity title. Although two grant programs are combined under one funding opportunity title, applicants will request funding from each grant program separately per the program requirements and application submission guidelines. Applicants are entitled to apply for one grant program or both. Applications will be competitively scored based on the unique rating factors for each individual program and funding may be awarded, fully or partially, under one program, both, or neither based on the rating, ranking, and funding available under each program. If the applicant is applying for funding under both grant programs, the rating and rankings will be determined separately.
Public Housing Authorities with the legal authority to develop, own, modernize, and operate a public housing project in accordance with the Act are eligible. PHAs participating in the Moving to Work Demonstration Program (MTW) are eligible to apply. PHAs that are troubled are eligible for funding if the agency is in compliance with any current Memorandum of Agreement or Recovery Agreements. Individuals, foreign entities, and sole proprietorship organizations are not eligible to compete for, or receive, awards made under this announcement.