Mojave River Dam Project - Fence and Barriers

Department of Defense

31 March 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Energy, Climate and Environment
Research, Development and Innovation Natural Sciences
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences

Services will be requested by a task order as funds and work/education project opportunities become available. Each specific project proposed under this Agreement will be evaluated by both USACE and the recipient to make certain it meets the education and stewardship objectives set forth in the Cooperative Agreement. Each task order may include all or some of the following work items:

a. Restoration Barriers.

i. Install fences and barriers to prevent vehicular intrusion into restoration areas.

ii. Repair and maintain fences and barriers.

iii. Monitor fences, barriers, and gates for damage. Report and document any damage found.

b. Active Restoration

i. Rip and decompact soils.

ii. Perform selective removal of invasive vegetation from habitat areas.

iii. Plant and maintain native seed and nursery stock in habitat restoration sites.

iv. Perform other services in support of restoration as requested by USACE.

c. GPS Monitoring.

i. Using a GPS unit and camera, conduct site inspections and document environmental, safety, and other concerns through photos and GPS coordinates.

ii. Submit maps and reports of identified environmental, safety, real estate, and infrastructure issues so that future action may be taken.

iii. Identify and document key natural resources to support environmental management.

d. Public Outreach.

i. Interact with members of the public to inform them of environmental resources, outdoor recreation safety measures, and USACE mission. Outreach may take place on project lands or off-site community events.

ii. Respond to inquiries and concerns with tact and professionalism.

iii. Rove project areas to provide information to visitors and help ensure safe public access.

e. Natural Resources Education

i. Learn about and demonstrate proper use of equipment, safe working techniques, restoration barrier placement, communication strategies, GPS and camera equipment, and data collection techniques.

ii. Participate in discussion of USACE land management practices and philosophy, biology, biogeography, ecological relationships, and natural history.

iii. Participate in discussion of natural resources missions and career opportunities within USACE.

iv. Provide periodic reports and updates to USACE staff on the progress of work items. Collaborate and work alongside USACE staff to accomplish projects.


See Announcement for details

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023