Department of Defense

21 June 2023
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences

Note: A full study proposal and proposed budget are NOT requested at this time.

Project Title: Field Support of the Hazardous Material, Hazardous Waste, Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Support-Management Information System (EESOH-MIS) For US Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) Article III, (D) of the Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU).

Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential organizations for this project. Approximately $738,854.00 is expected to be available to support this project for the base period. Additional funding in the amount of $4,377,462.00 may be available to the successful recipient for up to five follow on periods in subsequent years.

Brief Description of Anticipated Work: The NFE shall provide telephonic support, training, site visits to identified installations, and data analysis to identify pollution prevention opportunities and support Air Force installations to ensure hazardous materials are managed appropriately to prevent their introduction to the ecosystem in any way that would compromise the quality of the air, water, and soil or health and reproductive capability of organisms in the ecosystem.

Period of Performance:

Base Period: 12-months

Follow-on (FO) periods: 5 follow-on periods for 12-months each period.

Please send responses or direct questions to:

Maria Lopez

Grants Specialist

USACE, Fort Worth District

Email: Maria.E.Lopez@usace.army.mil

Office: 817-886-1881

David Leptien

Project Manager

USACE, Fort Worth District

Email: David.B.Leptien@usace.army.mil

Office: 402-889-5570

Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest: RSOI’s are required to be posted onwww.Grants.gov for 30 days prior to the Government making a decision and requesting full proposals.


This funding opportunity is ONLY available for Cooperative Ecosystem Study Units under the Californian and Colorado Units. SIKES AUTHORITY ONLY: In accordance with the 16 USC 670c-1, Sikes Act, projects for the implementation and enforcement of integrated natural resources management plans, priority shall be given to Federal and State agencies having responsibility for the conservation or management of fish or wildlife.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
24 May 2023