FY24 Saltonstall-Kennedy Competition

Department of Commerce

21 November 2023
Research, Development and Innovation Agricultural Sciences
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences

NOTE: Submission requirements in this NOFO may change from previous year's announcements. The S-K Program recommends reading the full announcement carefully, paying close attention to Section IV Application and Submission Information, for changes to application submission requirements.

The objectives of the S-K Program and, therefore, the funding priorities for the S-K Grant Competition, have changed over the years since the program began in 1980. The program has evolved as Federal fishery management laws and policies and research needs have evolved in response to changing circumstances.

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act requires fishery managers to undertake efforts to prevent overfishing, rebuild overfished fisheries, ensure conservation, minimize by-catch, protect essential fish habitats, and realize the full potential of U.S. fishery resources. It further requires that the Federal government take into account the importance of fishery resources to fishing communities; provide for the sustained participation of such communities; and, to the extent possible, minimize the adverse economic impacts of conservation and management measures on such communities.

The objective of the S-K Research and Development Program, referred to throughout this document as the S-K Program, is to promote U.S. fisheries by assisting the fishing community to address marketing and research needs.

NMFS seeks applications that demonstrate direct benefits to U.S. fisheries and meaningful participation of fishing communities . The S-K Grant Competition is open to applicants from a variety of sectors, including individuals, industry, academia, and state and local governments.


You are eligible to apply for a grant or a cooperative agreement under the SaltonstallKennedy Grant Competition if:1. You are a citizen or national of the United States;2. You represent an entity that is a corporation, partnership, association, or other nonFederal entity, non-profit or otherwise (including Indian tribes), if such entity is a citizenof the United States within the meaning of section 2 of the Shipping Act, 1916, asamended (46 U.S.C. app. 802); or3. You are a citizen of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, orthe States of Micronesia.We recognize the interest of the Secretaries of Commerce and Interior in definingappropriate fisheries policies and programs that meet the needs of the U.S. insular areas, sowe encourage applications from individuals, government entities, and businesses in U.S.insular areas. We support cultural and gender diversity in our programs and encouragewomen and minority individuals and groups to submit applications. We are also committedto broadening the participation of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), which includeHistorically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and TribalColleges and Universities, in our grant programs. To find out more about MSIs go tohttps://www.doi.gov/pmb/eeo/doi-minority-serving-institutions-programWe encourage applications from members of fishing communities (including the GreatLakes) and applications that involve fishing community cooperation and participation. Wewill consider the extent of fishing community involvement when evaluating the potentialbenefit of funding a proposal.Eligible Applicants must submit a pre-proposal that meets the submission requirementslisted in this NOFO by the established due date. Full proposals will not be reviewed orevaluated if a pre-proposal was not received on time and ranked.Non Eligible ApplicantsYou are not eligible to submit an application under this program if you are an employeeof any Federal agency; a member of the American Fisheries Advisory Committee; aRegional Fishery Management Council (Council); or an employee of a Council. However,Council members who are not Federal employees can submit an application to the S-K GrantCompetition.Multiple full proposal submissions from the same entity or applicant are limited to three.NMFS will only accept three full proposals from the same entity or individual, if more thanthree full proposals are submitted from the same entity or applicant NMFS will accept thefirst three in the order they are received.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
28 July 2023