Funding of Data Science Courses and Events

Danish Data Science Academy

Rolling deadline

The mission of the Danish Data Science Academy is to support a national collaborative network of data science experts across universities, public institutions, and industries; and to inspire and train the next generation of data scientists through educational, interdisciplinary, and collaborative activities. To achieve this, we invite applications for funding of courses and events that will contribute to growing a strong data science community in Denmark.


Which activities can we fund? We welcome applications for two kinds of activities:

Events and networking activities including, but not limited to, workshops, training/mentoring events, networking initiatives, competitions, and hackathons Courses including, but not limited to, university courses on PhD- and postdoc level, as well as vocational courses for public-, hospital-, and private sector employees Our funding scope and evaluation criteria are further described in the application guidelines below.

If you have previously applied for funding of an event or course without being funded, you can only reapply for DDSA funding of that same event if you have been invited to do so in the decision letter.

Which grants can you apply for – and when? You may apply for funding of either a small or a large event or course, distinguished by the size of their total budget:

Small events and courses

  • Have a total budget below DKK 100,000
  • You can apply for up to DKK 50,000
  • Applications can be submitted throughout the year
  • Applications are subject to fast-track assessment by the DDSA Secretariat
  • You can expect a decision within 4 weeks from applying

Large events and courses

  • Have no upper limit to the budget
  • You can apply for up to DKK 100,000
  • Submission deadlines are February 15th and September 15th
  • Applications are assessed and prioritised by the Education and Networking Committee
  • You can expect a decision within 6 weeks from the deadline

How do you apply?

  1. Establish whether you are applying for a small or a large event grant – important for budget, deadline, and assessment process.

  2. Read the application guidelines carefully, as they describe the funding scope, grant conditions and evaluation criteria – all of which are important for a successful application.

  3. Apply for funding in DDSA’s funding portal by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button.

Further information

If you have any questions, please contact us at secretariat@ddsa.dk

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
10 October 2023