John Goore

Community Foundation for Merseyside

Rolling deadline
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
North West
Health, Justice and Social Welfare

What is the focus of the fund:

Individuals who reside in the Lydiate area and who are entering or continuing with higher education or training, which also includes vocational training. Adults who may need to re-train perhaps after a period of unemployment or redundancy are welcome to apply for a grant to help them gain new skills which will assist them in gaining new employment.

  • Individuals who are substantial carers for another individual.
  • Individuals who consider themselves disadvantaged, due to disabilities or physical/ mental health issues, and who reside in the Lydiate area.
  • Voluntary/community groups undertaking projects that benefit Lydiate and its residents and local groups providing education and training to those classed as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

Examples of what can be funded


  • Books to aid study
  • Travel to and from your place of study – including a student bus pass
  • Study aids - including stationary
  • Short courses
  • Apprenticeship costs
  • Interview costs including suitable clothing
  • Equipment such as musical instruments for extra curricular study


  • Respite activities and any costs associated with ensuring those cared for are supported during respite activities (where possible activities should occur within Lydiate or surrounding area)
  • Bus passes and travel expenses for carers
  • Support towards any additional costs of living incurred as a direct result of being a carer.

Disabled Residents:

  • Small home improvements
  • Travel to community activities and facilities
  • Activities that support the establishment and development of local community groups aimed at supporting those facing disadvantages
  • Items or activities which clearly demonstrate the alleviation of disadvantages faced due to disabilities or physical/ mental health issues.

Voluntary or Community group:

  • Equipment for local groups
  • Environmental improvements in the local area
  • Local community events
  • Items or activities which clearly demonstrate the advancement of further education or training
  • Cost towards relevant accreditations

How much is available

£1,000 to individuals, £250 for carers, £500 to those who are disadvantaged and groups providing education and training can apply for up to £1,000 providing no more than £250 is allocated to each beneficiary and other groups can apply for up to £500

Which areas are covered Lydiate only

Documents which need to be included with your application if you are an individual applying (if you are a group applying the document list is in the apply section):

  1. Proof of residence is required to be sent with your application for all of the funds (a copy of a utility bill/ driving licence or other similar document stating your home address will suffice)

  2. A copy of a recent bank statement (if you do not have your own bank account, the name and address of a person over 18 years of age, who has a bank account and is willing to receive payment on your behalf)

  3. A Letter of Acceptance/support from one of the following:

  • University
  • Higher Education establishment
  • College
  • Education Provider
  • Course Provider
  • Sports Institution
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023