Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Through School-Based Surveillance and the What Works in Schools Program
Centers for Disease Control - NCHHSTP
Schools have direct contact with over 50 million students for at least 6 hours a day and play an important role in promoting adolescent health and well-being. CDC’s What Works in Schools program is a primary prevention approach that supports school districts in implementing three key strategies: providing quality health education, connecting youth to health services, and creating safe and supportive learning environments. This program has demonstrated effectiveness at reducing adolescent risk behaviors and experiences. In schools where the program has been implemented students were less likely to engage in sexual risk behavior, less likely to use substances, and less likely to experience violence. Core elements of the program have also been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.This funding opportunity supports implementation of activities at multiple levels of the public education system to achieve health goals. Funding will support implementation of the What Works in Schools program in school districts and help build the capacity of agencies to assist local education agencies (districts and schools) in implementing What Works in Schools in middle and high schools.Funding will also support the collection and use of school-based surveillance data through the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and School Health Profiles.
Eligibility is open to any organization. Funded recipients must demonstrate legal authority for public school district governance in that recipient’s jurisdiction.