Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions for Key and Priority Populations in the Republic of Rwanda under the President’s Emergency Plan…
Centers for Disease Control - CGH
The Award Ceiling for Year 1 is 0 (none). CDC anticipates an Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding amount of $1,900,000 for Year 1, subject to the availability of funds.To achieve the Rwandan strategic plan’s 2027 goal of reducing new HIV infections by 15%, implementation of evidence-based HIV prevention activities among key populations (KP) targeted in Rwanda (e.g., sex workers (SW), men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people (TG), and other emerging KP) is essential. This NOFO builds on past activities targeting KP and priority populations (PP) by focusing on PP closely related to KP (e.g., sexual partners of SW, social networks of KPs, and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW)).The NOFO will focus on outreach services to KP/PP, provision of community-based peer education, and linkage to a comprehensive package of biomedical HIV prevention services (e.g., HIV testing services (HTS), pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), condoms and voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC)), linkage to HIV care with same-day initiation, follow-up of KP who are HIV positive, and viral load suppression (VLS) as indicated in Rwanda’s HIV Guidelines. The NOFO is expected to support the provision of tailored KP-competent services through a combination of service delivery models. The NOFO also aims to reduce stigma and discrimination and to address gender-based violence (GBV) issues faced by KP/ PP. Key monitoring and evaluation (M&E) components will include routine program monitoring to track the progress on achieving the project period outcomes.