Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - ERA

05 January 2023
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
United States of America
Health, Justice and Social Welfare
Research, Development and Innovation Natural Sciences

The Centers for Disease Control/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) is seeking investigator-initiated research that will further the understanding of potential risk factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), while supporting the National ALS Registry"s mission. The National ALS Registry"s goals are to estimate the number of new ALS cases each year, estimate the number of people who have ALS at a specific point in time, better understand who gets ALS, and identify what contributing factors, including environmental, may affect ALS. CDC/ATSDR is seeking investigator-initiated research that will identify and evaluate risk factors contributing to ALS, with preferred focus in this Notice of Funding Opportunity on factors related to military service, contact sports, traumatic brain injury, neuroinflammation, and infectious agents. Research proposals on preferred topics can be funded under one of two funding options, Funding Option A or Funding Option B. Funding Option A is intended to support ALS risk factor research investigations that have an existing, well substantiated evidence base and would benefit from strengthened rigorous evaluation. Funding Option B is intended to support novel ALS risk factor research investigations that may or may not have an existing evidence base foundation base, may be supported by limited and insuffiicient preliminary research, and are exploratory and developmental in nature. Application Type: NEW AMENDMENT to update pre-application teleconference date Special Date(s): A pre-application teleconference call will be conducted on November 7, 2022 to address questions from prospective applicants regarding NOFO RFA-TS-23-001 Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The call will begin at 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) and end at 1:00PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), or sooner if all questions are addressed. Questions and answers from the discussion will be included in an amended NOFO approximately 2 weeks after the call. Participant Access Information: Call Date: November 7, 2022, 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) Call End Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) Call Leader: Susana Panero, MD, Scientific Program Official Toll-Free Number: 866-600-6035 Use Passcode 23198543# when prompted


See Section III. Eligibility Information.

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20 April 2023