Masonic Charitable Foundation - Bursaries for Hospice Staff


Rolling deadline
Health, Justice and Social Welfare

The fund is provided by Masonic Charitable Foundation and administered by Hospice UK.

We are delighted to announce a new funding programme , to provide bursaries to support hospice staff in England, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man with education and training opportunities.

Funding is intended to improve the quality of care given to patients, their carers and families through offering hospice staff the opportunity to participate in additional learning and training.

Individuals can apply for a maximum of 50% of course or module fees, up to £1,500 in any one year.


All applicants must be working in an eligible organisation as either a:

  • Nurse.
  • Healthcare Assistant.
  • Doctor.
  • Allied Health Professional.
  • Social Worker.
  • Bereavement Counsellor.
  • Administration Staff (HR, Finance, Fundraising).
  • Spiritual Care Worker.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Complementary Therapists.

Hospices (both adult and children’s) in every Masonic Province in England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man are eligible for funding. In order to spread the funding equally, there is a maximum amount of around £1,700 available to each organisation.

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Any course or conference that has already started or taken place.
  • Applications to attend conferences.
  • One-day study courses.
  • Applications from employees of the NHS and Macmillan Cancer Relief.
  • Courses that are termed as update or refresher courses.
  • Subsistence, travel and accommodation costs incurred whilst attending courses.
  • Courses already subsidised by Hospice UK.
  • In-house training.
  • Applications for courses where fees are under £200.
  • Costs towards research funding.
  • Leadership and management courses.
  • Applications from outside the UK.

Bursaries are offered towards the costs of course fees for accredited courses. A table of eligible courses can be found on the Hospice UK website.

Applications can be made for individual modules or a particular year of multi-year courses.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023