Fostering Human Rights-Centered Internet Governance

Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs

30 May 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences

The U.S. Department of State seeks to partner with organizations that can design and implement program activities using inclusive, rights-respecting, multi-stakeholder models of internet governance to empower women and youth voices and promote gender equity and equality in digital and cyber policymaking consistent with U.S. efforts to promote an open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet. This program should build the organizational, technical, and policy development capacity of local and/or regional youth- and women-led civil society organizations and activists to engage directly and regularly with governments and private sector actors to promote inclusive, rights-respecting practices and ensure accountability for protecting human rights obligations across the digital ecosystem—both within the scope of Internet governance as well as laws, policies, and regulations that relate to the real-world impacts of digital information and communications technologies.


Public International Organizations

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24 May 2023