APPROVED IIJA Bureau of Land Management Oregon Washington Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands

Bureau of Land Management

14 April 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences
Transport, Infrastructure and ICT

Department of the Interior - IIJA Bureau of Land Management Oregon Washington Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands


This opportunity is open to any qualified youth conservation corps established by a state or local government, by the governing body of any Indian tribe, or by a qualified nonprofit organization interested in working cooperatively with the OR/WA BLM to develop and administer multiple-use conservation projects. Conservation projects must focus on providing employment, education, and public-service opportunities for U.S. citizens and legal residents (between ages 16 and 30 inclusive and veterans up to age 35 inclusive) recruited from local and surrounding communities to assist with projects on public lands. No other entities are eligible to respond. All responding non-profit entities must provide a copy of their Section 501(c) (3) status determination letter received from the Internal Revenue Service. The term "qualified youth or conservation corps" means any program established by a state or local government, by the governing body of any Indian tribe, or by a nonprofit organization that: Is capable of offering meaningful, fulltime, productive work for individuals between the ages of 16 and 30, inclusive, and veterans up to age 35 in a natural or cultural resource setting; Provides participants a mix of work experience, basic life skills, education, training, and support BLM’s mission; and Provides participants opportunities to develop life skills and work ethics through their work on BLM lands that transfer to their community and the United States.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
19 April 2023