FY 2023 Federal Deaths in Custody Reporting Program Supplement
Bureau of Justice Statistics
OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community. With this solicitation, BJS seeks to collect data on persons who died in the custody of federal law enforcement (LE) agencies in FY 22 and FY 23, building upon BJS’s existing efforts. The data collection is a multimode system that includes a web-based interface, which allows federal LE agencies to identify all deaths that are arrest related or that occur in detention or incarceration facilities. Statutory Authority: Under section 302 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, BJS is authorized to "make grants to, or enter into cooperative agreements or contracts with public agencies, institutions of higher education, private organizations, or private individuals" for purposes of collecting and analyzing criminal justice data and producing reliable statistics under 34 U.S.C. § 10132(c)(1).
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