Identifying and Mitigating Russian Chemical and Biological Threats (RCBT)

Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation

06 August 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

The Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR) is pleased to announce an open competition for assistance awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). ISN/CTR sponsors foreign assistance activities funded by the Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR) account, and focuses on mitigating weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and WMD-related delivery systems proliferation and security threats from non-state actors and proliferator states.Within ISN/CTR, one of the Special Projects (SP) Team supports the efforts of U.S. and allied partners to help identify and mitigate Russian efforts to acquire Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) and dual-use CBW material, equipment, technology, knowledge, and expertise from unsuspecting or indiscriminate commercial or scientific institutions for CBW purposes – (Russian Chemical and Biological Threats (RCBT)). It is the objective of the program to restrict Russian CBW activities by training partner countries, government watchdogs and regulators, commercial entities, logistics providers, and scientists to not engage in transactions and scientific exchanges that may even inadvertently or unknowingly promote Russian CBW proliferation.


The following organizations are eligible to apply (both domestic and international): -Not-for-profit organizations -Public and private educational institutions -For-profit organizations -Federally funded research and development centers -Public International Organizations

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
09 July 2023