National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
IN ORDER TO APPLY FOR THIS GRANT, YOU MUST GO TO THE RELATED DOCUMENTS TAB TO RETRIEVE THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT PACKAGE: BIA-NTBG-2022-OIED FULL ANNOUNCEMENT. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY AS IT DESCRIBES INFORMATION HOW YOU SHOULD APPLY. The Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED) is soliciting proposals from federally recognized Indian Tribes listed as Indian Entities Recognized by and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs at 87 FR 4636 (January 28, 2022) for NTBG grants. Indian Tribes are referred to using the term “Tribe” throughout this notice. The grant funding is to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through DSL, cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and BPL. NTBG grants may be used to fund an assessment of the current broadband services, if any, that are available to an applicant's community; an engineering assessment of new or expanded broadband services; an estimate of the cost of building or expanding a broadband network; a determination of the transmission medium(s) that will be employed; identification of potential funding and/or financing for the network; and consideration of financial and practical risks associated with developing a broadband network. The purpose of the NTBG is to improve the quality of life, spur economic development and commercial activity, create opportunities for self-employment, enhance educational resources and remote learning opportunities, and meet emergency and law enforcement needs by bringing broadband services to Native American communities that lack them. Feasibility studies funded through NTBG will assist Tribes to make informed decisions regarding deployment or expansion of broadband in their communities. The funding periods and amounts referenced in this solicitation are subject to the availability of funds at the time of award, as well as the Department of the Interior (DOI) and Indian Affairs priorities at the time of the award. Neither DOI nor Indian Affairs will be held responsible for proposal or application preparation costs. Publication of this solicitation does not obligate DOI or Indian Affairs to award any specific grant or to obligate all or any part of available funds. Future funding is subject to the availability of Congressional appropriations and cannot be guaranteed. DOI or Indian Affairs may cancel or withdraw this solicitation at any time.