Indo-Pacific Infrastructure Mapping Project

Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

15 July 2023
Rural Development

A cooperative agreement for up to $740,650 U.S. Dollars (USD) in FY 2022 Economic Support Funds (ESF) will be awarded (pending availability of funds) for work that will produce a landscape analysis, geographical mapping, and risk assessment which will support dual presidential Quad and Pacific Islands deliverables to provide actionable information on opportunities pertaining to existing and planned infrastructure projects in the Indo-Pacific, including life-cycle analysis and an action plan for each identified infrastructure project. The period of performance is three years. Funding authority rests in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended.


EAP welcomes applications from U.S. Non-profit/non-governmental organizations (NGOs) having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, or overseas-based non-profit/non-governmental organizations, and U.S. and overseas private/state institutions of higher education For-profit and consulting/commercial firms are also eligible to apply in response to this NOFO.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
15 June 2023