FY22 DRL Syria Programs - Statements of Interest
Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor
The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) outlining project concepts and demonstrating the capacity to manage programs for Syria that will: promote justice and accountability efforts, potentially including community reintegration and reconciliation; protect civic space; and support survivors of torture, sexual and gender-based violence, and victims of other atrocities.
Organizations submitting SOIs must meet the following criteria: Be a U.S.- or foreign-based non-profit/non-governmental organization (NGO), or a public international organization; or Be a private, public, or state institution of higher education; or Be a for-profit organization or business (noting there are restrictions on payment of fees and/or profits under grants and cooperative agreements, including those outlined in 48 CFR 30, "Cost Accounting Standards Administration", and 48 CFR 31, "Contract Cost Principles and Procedures"); Have existing, or the capacity to develop, active partnerships with thematic or in-country partners, entities, and relevant stakeholders including private sector partner and NGOs; and, Have demonstrable experience administering successful and preferably similar programs. DRL reserves the right to request additional background information on organizations that do not have previous experience administering federal awards.