Bedfordshire & Luton Community Foundation
As an independent local grantmaker, we support voluntary and community groups working for the benefit of people living within Luton and Bedfordshire. We award all our grants from the numerous funds we manage on behalf of statutory agencies, private donors, companies and local families.
LuDun: A fund specifically for those requiring access to training and education for adults with physical or learning difficulties.
I N T R O D U C T I O N: Bedfordshire & Luton Community Foundation are proud to have been chosen by the Trustees of LuDun to manage their fund to support adults with learning and/or physical disabilities into employment. Grants of up to £1,000 are available to individuals that meet the criteria. We are dedicated to improving the quality of community life of those in Bedfordshire and Luton and, in particular, those in special need by reason of disability, age, financial or other disadvantage and/or diagnosed mental health issue.
A I M S: The fund was set up with income received following the closure of the LuDun premises in Dunstable. The object of the fund is to provide access to training and education to adults with physical or learning difficulties. At present, this is a small awards fund and the maximum award under the fund will be £1,000. There is no minimum amount you need to apply for.
We will consider applications for help towards 2 main categories:
- Costs of training courses: Assistance with the costs of enrolling on an accredited study course and purchasing of associated books or equipment which will increase including training fees, learning and support, or IT skills. Equipment, for example uniform costs or tools etc. will also be considered.
- Special needs: Payments for one off purchases of ongoing expenses for items that enable the applicant to attend such training courses or employment. Payments cannot be made to cover salaries or national insurance payments.
Beneficiaries must live in Central Bedfordshire or have previous been employees of the LuDun facility in Liscombe Road, Dunstable, wherever they may now reside. Priority is given to those who qualify for both and are over the age of 18.
H O W T O A P P L Y: Application forms can be downloaded from our website. Staff are happy to forward a copy of the application via email or in hard copy if required.
All applications will be reviewed and are subject to a thorough assessment and relevant due diligence checks by BLCF. Only applications that have been fully completed, clearly meet the criteria, provided all required supporting documents, and where queries raised by the Foundation team have been answered, will go to the decisionmaking panel. The panel is made up of local individuals which meets three/four times a year.