Local Grant: University Leadership and Engagement
Assistance Coordination
The Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs’ Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) and Embassy Tunis' Assistance Unit seek proposals that take specific, measurable action to address the decline in traditional modes of political participation among young people. Tunisian youth run for office less often and remain underrepresented in elected positions. With 24.5 percent of its population between the ages of 15 and 29, Tunisia cannot afford to let a quarter of the population sit on the sidelines. The project will increase university students’ leadership, networking, and analysis skills so that they become more likely to engage in advocacy and civic projects. Universities will create organizational frameworks for extracurricular activities that give students a meaningful role in the financial and administrative management of clubs. The clubs themselves will develop the skills students need to succeed as engaged citizens while creating linkages with existing community service projects.
Eligible applicants include: - Non-profit organizations; - For-profit organizations; - Private institutions of higher education; - Public or state institutions of higher education;