ASH Foundation

19 April 2023
17 April 2024
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) invites investigators to submit proposals in competition for up to four research grants of $25,000 each. The New Century Scholars Research Grant is designed to advance knowledge, tools, and techniques in communication sciences and disorders.

While proposal type and content area are not restricted, this grant supports studies that are innovative, have a promise of major impact, or can meet research needs not yet addressed. The funding can be applied to a one- or two-year study.

Note for 2022: In preparation for the grant submission and review processes, the ASHFoundation requests that potential investigators complete an Intent to Submit Form by March 2 to provide information regarding their proposed studies. When investigators log in to the online submission system, they will be prompted to complete the Intent to Submit Form. This step must be completed before proceeding to the proposal submission process.

Who Should Apply

  • Individuals who are committed to teacher-investigator careers in the university/college academic environment or in external research institutes or laboratories.
  • Investigators who want to research ideas and directions new to them (and who are not currently funded in the proposed area of study). By contrast, the research grants are not intended to provide additional or extended support for an established and funded research effort.
  • Both experienced and new investigators. Experienced investigators are welcome to submit proposals for pilot studies or similar studies in a demonstrably new area. New investigators submitting a proposal should have received some prior external funding post PhD, as a co-investigator or a principal investigator, but proposals must also meet the intent of new research ideas.

Investigators must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the New Century Scholars Research Grant.

  • The investigator must have received a PhD or equivalent research doctorate within the discipline of communication sciences and disorders.

Note: Due to availability of student research grant and scholarship funds through the ASHFoundation, students currently enrolled in a degree program or working on dissertation research are not eligible for this competition.

  • The investigator must demonstrate the potential for and commitment to conducting independent research.
  • The research must have significance and direct application to communication sciences and disorders.
  • The research setting must be an environment conducive to completing the investigation.
  • Experienced investigators must provide an explanation of why the proposed work represents a new effort that is not fundable from existing research support or is not an extension of funding that is currently supporting the work. Further, a clear description of the potential impact of the research must be included. (Regarding funding, experienced investigators are those whose current or recent professional funding history indicates "principal investigator" or "co-investigator" status on research funding costs exceeding $50,000 from agencies other than the investigator's host institution.)
  • Preference for funding consideration will be given to ASHA members.
  • The proposal submitted to the 2022 New Century Scholars Research Grant competition cannot be submitted to other 2022 ASHFoundation grant competitions. However, the investigator remains eligible to submit to other ASHFoundation grant competitions in the same year, if proposing to investigate a different topic.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 February 2024