National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program Fiscal Year 2024

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

20 October 2023
Research, Development and Innovation Agricultural Sciences
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences
Arts, Culture and Heritage Organizational Support and Development

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) is announcing the availability of up to $17,000,000 in funds in the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) to support projects in the priority topics listed below.

  1. Develop, enhance, and exercise State and Tribal animal disease outbreak emergency response plans.

  2. Support livestock1 and poultry biosecurity measures and programs.

  3. Enhance capability and capacity for depopulation, carcass disposal, and decontamination in a disease outbreak.

  4. Support animal movement decisions in a disease outbreak.

  5. Enhance animal disease traceability during a disease outbreak.

  6. Support outreach & education on animal disease prevention, preparedness, and response.

  7. Develop and deliver training & exercises for animal agriculture sector responders.

  8. Advance the development of sheep and goat vaccines.

  9. Enhance aquatic animal disease preparedness and response.

  1. State departments of agriculture2. Offices of the chief animal health official of a State3. Land-Grant Universities and other entities eligible to receive funds under a capacity and infrastructure program (as defined in section 251(f)(1)(C) of the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 6971(f)(1)(C))). This includes entities eligible for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture Federal Assistance Programs.4. Colleges of veterinary medicine, including a veterinary emergency team at such college5. State or national livestock, poultry, or aquaculture producer organizations with direct and significant economic interest in livestock, poultry, or aquaculture production6. State emergency agencies7. State, national, allied, or regional veterinary organizations or specialty boards recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association8. Indian Tribes9. Federal agencies.
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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
28 July 2023