Herman Frasch Foundation Grant
American Chemical Society
The Herman Frasch Fund for Chemical Research is a trust created under the will of Elizabeth Blee Frasch, administered by Bank of America, N.A. as Trustee. The American Chemical Society advises the Trustee on the Frasch program. The purpose of the Foundation is to award grants to nonprofit incorporated institutions to support research in the field of agricultural chemistry which will be of practical benefit to the agricultural development of the United States.
Applicants must be tenured or tenure-track faculty within the first seven years of their first academic appointment. Grants are awarded for a period of 5 years, subject to annual review and approval on evidence of satisfactory progress. It is anticipated that nine grants in the amount of $50,000 per year for five years will be awarded. Applications for the 2022-2027 award period is closed. The next submission period will occur in November 2026.
The term “agricultural chemistry” is interpreted broadly by the ACS Committee on Frasch Foundation Grants. Supported research is primarily chemical or biochemical in nature. Projects which focus on nutrition, agronomy, genetics, or entomology are not usually favored. Proposals must provide opportunities for training students at the graduate, undergraduate, and/or postdoctoral levels.
The Herman Frasch Foundation encourages the dissemination of results of funded research through publications in scientific journals and presentations at professional meetings. Support of the Herman Frasch Foundation for Chemical Research should be acknowledged.
Applicants must be tenured or tenure-track faculty within the first seven years of their first academic appointment. Grants are awarded for a period of five years.
Eligibility, Terms & Conditions:
- Grants will be used for research in the field of agricultural chemistry with the object of attaining results that are of practical benefit to the agricultural development of the United States.
- Grantee organization must be a doctoral degree-awarding academic institution incorporated and existing within the United States.
- The 2017-2022 Frasch competition is restricted to tenured or tenure-track faculty in their first seven years of their first academic appointment.
- Grants are made for a period of five years (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2022), subject to annual review and approval of progress.
- Grants will be made in an amount of $50,000 per year or $250,000 for the five-year period. Proposals are considered only once in five years and grants are allocated at five-year intervals.
- A grant budget must be submitted which includes at least the detail shown on the budget form provided in the application; it is preferred that funds be used as much as possible to support students. Grant funds may not be used for tuition, overhead, administrative expenses, large items of equipment, travel outside of the United States, or salary/benefits for the principal investigator. Publication costs should be listed. There is no objection to a modest carryover of funds from year to year. Requests for consumable supplies, chemicals, glassware, etc., should be reasonable.
- Annual reports of financial expenditures, progress of the research, and personnel are due on a date in August specified in the call for reports each year, and must be submitted in order for support to continue.
- Support of the Herman Frasch Fund for Chemical Research should be acknowledged in scientific publications resulting from research funded by this program.
- A PDF of the signed application must be received by 5:00 pm ET October 28, 2016 via email to Frasch@acs.org.