New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) – Global Health

Agency for International Development

30 September 2025
United States of America
Health, Justice and Social Welfare

The United States Agency for International Development is announcing the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Global Health Annual Program Statement (APS) (known hereafter as NPI GH APS).

Through this APS, USAID announces its desire to engage locally-based new and underutilized partners to expand and amplify the Agency’s work in the health sector. The overall Agency NPI seeks to support partner countries’ progress on the Journey to Self-Reliance, achieve sustainable and resilient results, and catalyze more effective partnering for impact.

This APS is designed to support specific Administration and Agency priorities and criteria for new and underutilized partners (NUPs), especially locally-based NUPs. Individual USAID Missions or Bureaus (also known together as Operating Units) will then request Concept Papers via Rounds as the first step in a three-step process that could result in an award. For the purposes of the NPI Global Health APS, a “Round” is defined as a specific program description that falls under the larger NPI GH APS goal, purpose, and results but is tailored to a certain focus and/or type of new partnership. Interested organizations should read this entire APS, as well as any Rounds, and follow the instructions for submitting a Concept Paper.

Applicants should not submit Concept Papers in response to this umbrella APS, but only to Rounds published to this APS. USAID reserves the right to fund any or none of the concept papers and applications submitted under this APS and its respective Rounds. USAID reserves the right to close or amend the APS on or before the closing date of September 30, 2025. Therefore, for each issued Round, organizations are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to be considered for review to maximize the possibility of receiving available funding. Issuance of this APS does not constitute an award or commitment on the part of the USG, nor does it commit the USG to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a concept paper or an application.

Pending funding availability, there may be multiple Rounds for this APS that will all aim to meet the Purpose mentioned in Section I. The financial range for award(s) will be specified in each Round.

As Rounds occur, notifications will be posted on Grants.gov. Please refer to the specific Round documents for detailed information on the concept paper submission guidance including Round points of contact, concept paper requirements, and evaluation criteria for the specific Round. These Round documents should be located under the "Related Documents" tab in this posting.


U.S. and non-U.S. public, private, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, public international organizations, and non-governmental organizations, are eligible to submit a Concept Paper under this COVID-19 Round Addendum. Furthermore, the organization must be a legally-recognized, organizational entity under applicable law, legally registered in countries where USAID has existing operations, but excluding any country that is a prohibited source.NOTE: Individuals, unregistered, or informal organizations are not eligible to apply under this Addendum. Concept Papers from organizations that do not meet the above eligibility criteria, and individuals, will not be reviewed and evaluated. Additionally, the applicant must identify under which of the three (3) types of partnerships theyare presenting their Concept Paper. A Concept Paper that does not meet the type(s) of Partnerships allowed under COVID-19 Round, will be determined to be ineligible and not be evaluated:Partnership Approach 1(a) Direct awards to New and Underutilized Partners (NUP), that are: Definition of NUP: Organizations that are new and have received no funding, or less than $25 million in direct or indirect awards from USAID over the past five years.(i) Local Entities (LE), including government institutions; (ii) Locally Established Partners (LEP); and (iii) Non-Local Organizations (NLO).Partnership Approach 2 Mentoring awards to organizations that must sub-award more than 50 percent of the total award value to New and Underutilized Partners that are Local Entities and Locally Established Partners. The Agency’s new Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Strategy and NPI seek to expand our work with local partners and build their capacities through sub-awards. The Agency believes that local partners can take on a greater role in programmatic implementation if prime awardees shift to facilitative, compliance support and capacity building roles. This Partnership Approach, while not appropriate for all programs or existing awards, would expand our work with local organizations while simultaneously drawing on the experience and capacities of traditional implementing partners.Partnership Approach 3 Leveraged awards to organizations that co-fund with cash from non-U.S. Government resources. This Partnering Approach recognizes that significant overlooked cash resources could exist that organizations, including nonprofits, can bring to a local context. Contributions from the awardee must be at least 50 percent of the value of the award from USAID and must be cash funding; in-kind resources generally do not count. This approach also prioritizes local capacity building and sub-awards, but it does not have a percentage sub-award requirement.(See Pages 18-19 of COVID-19 Round document)

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023