Justice, Rights, and Security Annual Program Statement

Agency for International Development

11 May 2024
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

Dear Prospective Applicants:

T he U nited States Agency for International Development (USAID ), Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation, Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DDI/DRG) Center invites applications for the Justice, Rights, and Security (JRS) Annual Program Statement ( APS ).

Through the APS, USAID announces its desire to engage in a diverse range of partnerships, including with new and underutilized development actors to expand and amplify the Agency’s work in Promoting Justice, Protecting Rights, and Promoting Security.

This APS is neither a Request for Applications nor a Request for Proposals. Rather, this APS allow s for Addenda to be published that will request Concept Paper s . Concept Papers should not be submitted in response to this global APS, and should only be submitted in response to Addenda . Based on the review of those Concept Paper s by a USAID team, USAID will determine whether to request a Full Application from an appropriate partner or partners.

USAID is available to respond to questions from applicants about the process. Applicants should submit questions by email to the point of contact identified in the specific Addendum through which they are submitting an application. Applicants should send general questions about the below information by email to Mr. Michael Kwaw, Acquisition & Assistance Specialist, at jrs-aps@usaid.gov .

Thank you for your interest in the USAID DDI-DRG’s JRS APS.



There is currently no Addenda currently opened under this APS; Addendum documents can be found under the "Related Documents" tab.

APS: The JRS APS document has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.

APS: The JRS APS Amendment #1 document has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.

APS: The JRS APS Amendment #2 document has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.


Please see Section III of the JRS APS and Addenda published to this APS for eligibility information regarding organizations.NOTE: THERE IS NO FUNDING ASSOCIATED WITH THIS UMBRELLA APS, AND ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE DIRECTED TO SPECIFIC ADDENDA PUBLISHED TO THE JRS APS. As such, specific eligibility criteria will be outlined in each individual Addendum, and eligibility criteria may differ between Addenda. Addenda under the JRS APS may request Concept Papers from any type of appropriate organization. In all cases, applicants should defer to the specific guidelines provided in the JRS APS Addendum or Addenda of interest.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023