Infectious Disease (with Epidemic or Pandemic potential) Standby Capacity for Humanitarian Emergency APS
Agency for International Development
The purpose of this notice is to announce an upcoming Annual Program Statement (APS) for the Infectious Disease (with Epidemic or Pandemic potential) (IDAP Standby Capacity with the scale of a Humanitarian Emergency. This only applies to Infectious Disease events that require activation of a Level 3 IASC. This new Standby Capacity project will address critical multi-sectoral capacity gaps of response actors needed to maintain technical and operational readiness. This may include activities such as (but not limited to) contingency planning, the development of adaptation of toolkits, training or technical guidance, rapid response teams and coordination, to ensure rapid response to infectious diseases outbreaks with epidemics or pandemic potential that reach the scale of a humanitarian emergency (Level 3 IASC activation for an infectious disease event) and that have been declared a Public Health Emergency (PHEIC) of International Concern (or are the equivalent of a PHEIC). Questions concerning this notice may be directed to the Agreement Officer, at USAID may issue a “Request for Information” before the APS is released. However, please be advised that substantive questions with respect to the APS will not be answered until the APS is released, at which point all applicants will be allowed to submit questions that will be answered in a “Q&A” document, which will be posted to the APS as an amendment. Prospective applicants may not contact USAID technical staff directly for information on this APS – such contact may be grounds for exclusion from the competition. This notice in no way obligates USAID to release a solicitation or award. Issuance of an APS will be subject to internal USAID approvals and the availability of funds. Due to the competitive nature of the procurement, unsolicited applications will not be considered. All applications have to be submitted in response to the APS.