HIV Vaccine Innovation, Science, and Technology Acceleration in Africa (HIV-VISTA)

Agency for International Development

31 May 2023
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
R&D and Higher Education
United States of America
Health, Justice and Social Welfare Research, Development and Innovation

The objective of the HIV-VISTA Project is to support sub-Saharan African scientists, institutions, and innovative systems of collaboration in designing and testing improved HIV vaccine candidates that will advance the field toward the long-term goal of a safe and globally-effective HIV vaccine.

Activities should be implemented in at least three different countries in sub-Saharan African

Closing Date and Time for CONCEPT NOTE : Friday January 20, 2023; 4:00 PM, Washington DC local time

Closing Date and Time for FULL APPLICATION (INVITATION ONLY): Wednesday May 31, 2023; at 4:00 PM, Washington DC local time

Note: All Applicants that fit the Eligibility criteria are welcome to submit concept notes . At the concept stage, please submit proof documentation the eligibility. However, request for Full Application will be based on invitation. Therefore in order to be considered, all eligible Applicants interested must submit concept note by deadline to be considered for co-creation and Full Application. Please download and read all the relevant documents especially the NOFO Amendment 2 to understand the process.

(UPDDATE APRIL 10, 2023: The process for concept notes has been closed.)


Eligibility for this NOFO is restricted to local entities in African countries, using the definition of “local entity” in the PEPFAR 2022 Country and Regional Operational Plan (COP/ROP). Per this guidance, local entity is defined as “an entity other than a sole proprietorship (such as a corporation or not-for-profit) must meet all three areas of eligibility:(1) EITHER, must be incorporated or legally organized under the laws of, and have its principal place of business in, the country or a country in the region served by the PEPFAR program with which the entity is or may become involved; OR must exist in the region where PEPFAR programs are implemented;(2) EITHER, must be at 75% beneficially owned at the time of application by individuals who are citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of that same country; OR at least 75% of the entity’s staff (senior, mid-level, support) at the time of application must be citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of that same country; (3) Where an entity has a Board of Directors, at least 51% of the members of the Board must also be citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of such country.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023