Higher Education for Leadership, Innovation, and Exchange (HELIX), A New Partnerships Initiative (NPI)
Agency for International Development
USAID DDI Bureau Center for Education in partnership with Mission(s), Bureaus, and Independent Offices (M/B/IOs) from across the Agency, through this Higher Education for Leadership, Innovation, and Exchange (HELIX) Annual Program Statement (APS) aims to improve partner country higher education individual, institutional, and organizational capacity for change by supporting opportunities for partnerships, scholarships, exchanges, fellowships, internships, apprenticeships, work-based learning, research, communities of practice, and other relevant forms of capacity development and change management. The aim of this APS is to support solutions that will create meaningful change at the individual, institutional, and/or system level, with, in connection to, or through higher education, as a country moves forward in its Journey to Self-Reliance. This is planned to be achieved under the umbrella of the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI).
The Higher Education for Leadership, Innovation, and Exchange (HELIX) APS is not a Request for Applications (RFA) . Rather, the HELIX APS requests Concept Note(s) in response to addenda published under this APS . Based on the submitted Concept Note(s) in response to active addenda under this APS, USAID will determine whether to request a Full Application from an eligible organization. Concept Note(s) and/or Full Application to the APS will not be accepted.
USAID’s DDI Bureau Center for Education and supporting Bureaus anticipate awarding multiple grants and/or cooperative agreements as there is no predefined minimum or maximum number of awards. The following addenda/addendum are currently open under HELIX:
Please search grants.gov for a current HELIX Addendum opportunity for Higher Education Partnership for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (HEP-DRI)- 72038623RFA00006 closing October 20, 2023.