FY21 People-To-People (P2P) Reconciliation Program
Agency for International Development
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) is issuing this Annual Program Statement (APS) pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended. The Agency will administer any resulting awards in accordance with Parts 200 and 700 of Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Standard Provisions for US/Non-US Organizations; as well as the additional requirements in this APS and any Rounds. The Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention (CVP) in the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization is pleased to announce this People-To-People (P2P) Reconciliation Program APS (known hereafter as P2P APS).
Through the P2P APS, USAID announces its desire to engage in a diverse range of partnerships, including with new and underutilized development actors (including local and locally established organizations) to expand and amplify the Agency’s work in the peacebuilding sector. This APS is designed to support specific Administration and Agency priorities in conflict prevention, mitigation, management and peacebuilding.
Since 2004, CVP (formerly CMM, the Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation) has managed the P2P Reconciliation Program in accordance with a Congressional appropriation to provide a central source of funding for reconciliation-related programming. These programs create opportunities for communities in conflict to build mutual understanding, trust, empathy, and resilient social ties by addressing divisions that may be rooted in group differences such as ethnicity, religion, status, gender, class, or political affiliation.
The P2P APS is not a Request for Applications (RFA) or a Request for Proposals (RFP). Rather, the P2P APS requests Concept Papers in response to Rounds published to this APS. Based on the review of those Concept Papers led by a USAID team, USAID will determine whether to request a full application from the apparently successful Applicants. To be competitive in a particular Round, applications must be fully responsive to all directions under this APS as well as any additional directions detailed in the Round.
USAID reserves the right to fund any or none of the concept papers and applications submitted under this APS and its respective Rounds. USAID also reserves the right to not conduct a co-creation phase and request full applications from successful Applicants at the Concept Paper stage.
USAID is available to respond to questions from applicants about the process. Applicants should submit questions by email to the point of contact (POC) identified in the specific Round through which they are considering submitting a Concept Paper. Applicants should send general questions about the below information by email to the P2P general inbox at CVPFY21P2P@usaid.gov by the deadline specified above. As Rounds occur, notifications will be posted on www.grants.gov.
NOTE: There are two (2) Rounds currently open under this APS; Round documents can be found under the "Related Documents" tab.
The FY21 P2P APS has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.
The FY21 P2P APS document has been revised per Amendment #1 and has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.
The FY21 P2P APS document has been revised per Amendment #2 and has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.
Round 1:
The FY21 P2P APS Round 1 document has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.
The FY21 P2P Reconciliation Fund APS Round 1 - Amendment 1 document has been posted on the "Related Documents" tab.
The FY21 P2P APS - Round 1 document has been revised per Amendment #1 and has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.
Round 2:
The FY21 P2P APS Round 2_Sudan document has been uploaded under the "Related Documents" tab.
Please see Section III of the P2P APS and Rounds published to this APS for eligibility information regarding organizations.