Medical-Legal Partnerships Plus (+)
Administration for Children and Families - OCS
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS) announces the availability of funds for Medical-Legal Partnerships Plus (MLP+). OCS will make approximately $1.6 million available through a competitive award process to a limited pool of applicants. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide support for MLPs to build, expand, and strengthen their capacity to provide comprehensive legal services and wraparound social services to families with low incomes to address health harming legal needs and improve their overall health. MLPs will use this funding to increase their capacity to serve vulnerable families, including enhancing and/or increasing legal services and building and/or strengthening partnerships with social service providers to fully address health harming legal and social needs. Recipients will participate fully in a federal evaluation and follow all evaluation protocols established by ACF and/or its designee contractor(s). Fully participating in a federal evaluation may include supporting and complying with data collection requirements, providing administrative data on program participation, and other activities. In addition, the federal evaluation may include an evaluation of the implementation of MLP+.
Long-standing medical-legal partnerships. Please review the full Notice of Funding Opportunity when it posts for additional information on eligibility. Applications from individuals (including sole proprietorships) and foreign entities are not eligible and will be disqualified from competitive review and funding under this funding opportunity.