Funding for research organisations

Academy of Finland

Rolling deadline
For profit
R&D and Higher Education
Research, Development and Innovation Engineering and Technology

Research infrastructure funding:

The Academy of Finland provides funding for the acquisition, establishment, upgrading or expansion of nationally significant research infrastructures that promote scientific research. Research infrastructures refer to a reserve of instruments, equipment, information networks, databases, materials and services enabling research at various stages.

Funding to strengthen university research profiles:

The Academy of Finland’s funding to strengthen university research profiles supports and speeds up the strategic profiling of Finnish universities to improve the quality of research. The funding is intended for measures that strengthen the universities’ strategic research fields and new initiatives. The funding is open to all scientific, scholarly and artistic disciplines.

Flagship funding:

The aim of the Academy of Finland’s Flagship Programme is to pool together expertise from different fields in Finland to form high-level research and impact clusters that will further contribute to increasing the quality and impact of Finnish research. A flagship is an effective mix of cutting-edge research, impact in support of economic growth or society, close connections to the business sector and society at large, adaptability, and a strong commitment from host organisations.

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023